Whistler – “Mind over Matter”
promised myself I would get this race report written before I took off for my
next and last race of the season. I was sooo close J
But at least its done before my next race!
of all, before I get into the details of race day, I wanted to mention that
Ironman Canada was an amazing race. Whistler was a great venue for
Ironman, and I loved everything about it! I highly recommend this race!
I believe I executed the best possible race I could on the day and was
extremely happy with my result. I hate excuses, so I don’t want anything I say
in this report to be misinterpreted as an excuse. Ironman is a long day
and so many things can and will go wrong for everyone and its how you deal with
those obstacles that will determine your race. “Mind over matter” as they say!
This is why I love Ironman! You don’t always have to be the fastest, you just
need to the toughest to have a good day. For this reason, I believe my
strengths prevail in Ironman. It’s no secret I am not a “fast” swimmer, or have
the strongest bike, however I am confident in my ability to run a strong
marathon. I also know that I am able to stay “mentally” strong and really dig
deep when I need to. As much as I love running….running 26.2 miles after
biking 112 is never easy, and it hurts a lot….but I am able to just focus and
“embrace the pain.” I had quite a few things go wrong during the race and
I will talk about them not as an excuse, but as an example of the things that
will go wrong, and how I dealt with those issues.
beautiful as Whistler is and as much as I loved the course and the experience,
this course was definitely not a course that suits my strengths. I knew this
going into the race and it was drastically different than my other Ironmans to
date. I typically love races with hot, humid, flat, windy conditions and
non wetsuit swims. Whistler was a wetsuit swim, HILLY, and not very
hot or humid. But, sometimes its fun to challenge yourself and see
how you will fare on a different course/conditions, and how you will do on a
course that is the exact opposite of what you “like to race.”
Mom and I flew to Vancouver Wednesday before the race. We stayed in Vancouver
Wed. night and spent Thursday morning exploring Vancouver. Neither of us had
ever been so it was fun to check it out. We ran in Stanley Park, checked out
the Lululemon stores (I am lulu obsessed) and then we drove up to Whistler
later that day. We checked into our hotel, The Fairmont, in the Upper
Village, which was a great hotel and very convenient for walking to/from
everything. Friday was spent doing all the typical pre-Ironman
activities. I went for a ride with the Tribike transport crew,
checked-in, drove part of the bike course and attended the pre-race
meeting. Friday night Sissy arrived from San Diego. Yay! Having my mom
and sissy at my races makes me so happy.
Views from Stanley Park |
Silly in front of the Hollow Tree in Stanley Park Clearly Mom and Sissy are the cheerleaders in the family! |
always, the day before the race is over before you know it and it always ends
up being busier than you think! I went to bed super nervous and excited to
race. I knew I had put in the work and I was ready to just get out there
and do my best!
Green Lake in Whistler.. run course scenery! |
the race details!
Swim: (1:11, 25th AG)
typically do not like wetsuit swims. This may seem strange since swimming isn’t
my strength, so you would think I would want all the help I could get, but in
reality, wetsuits make me claustrophobic! I literally feel as if I’m going to
hyperventilate and the sleeves make my arms feel tired! Well, for
Whistler, I was lucky enough to be trying out the TYR Freak wetsuit (Thanks
TYR!) and I can honestly say it was the best wetsuit I have ever worn. It was
comfy, I didn’t feel as if I would hyperventilate, and the comfort in the
shoulders/arms didn’t make my arms feel as tired. As for the swim
itself, it was my typical Ironman swim, where I feel as if I am getting beat up
by the men. Oh how I wish there was a separate Mens/Womens start
for amateurs in Ironman. Unfortunately, when I exited the swim, a male
athlete knocked into me, I went flying and landed on my right shoulder…the same
shoulder that I had surgery on for a broken clavicle and torn ligaments 8 weeks
before Kona in 2010. And it hurt, it hurt a lot! But I continued on…time to bike! As for
the 1:11, I was satisfied with that. Since I shared with you my training
schedule in my last blog, and my lack of swim training, I can’t expect a much
faster time at this point J
![]() |
Beautiful swim start backdrop! |
Thanks TYR and MB for letting me try out this awesome wetsuit! |
Bike: (5:55, 15th AG)
onto the bike, I tried to ignore the pain in my shoulder, and just focus on
pedaling. The bike is a continual work in progress for me. And after
taking 6 months off from cycling, I definitely felt out of shape getting back
at it. But I have been putting in some work and feel that I have been making
strides in training. I know I still have a ways to go to get it up there with
my run, but I think I have been moving in the right direction! Thanks to all
the coaches and training partners at Tailwind Endurance who keep me motivated
for those 5:30 am classes! It has definitely been more fun than doing those
solo trainer workouts in my apartment! Ok back to the race…even though I
felt prepared for the bike, I still knew it would be a tough day given the
difficulty of this bike course and the 6000+ feet of climbing! I live in NYC
and do a lot of my training on the computrainer and even most of my outdoor
rides didn’t include this kind of climbing! But I have been training with power
for the past couple of years and was planning to just focus on my watts! Well
once onto the bike I spent the first few miles fiddling with my power meter and
for some reason it just didn’t want to work! My initial thought was UGH!!
But after getting over the frustration, I got it together and knew I would be
fine, I am very in tune with my body and am more than capable of racing by
feel! The bigger issue was my shoulder, it was SERIOUSLY hurting! It hurt to
raise my arm which made it difficult to take in my nutrition. Being aero was very painful. But, as I said…“Mind over
matter.” After driving the bike course and getting a little freaked
out by all the climbing, I really thought a 6:30 bike time was in my future, so
a 5:55 on this course for was a decent time for me. I know I’m capable of
better, but was happy with this result at this point in my training.
(3:19, 5th AG, 2nd Fast Amateur run split)
always, I was ecstatic to be off the bike and onto the run! My legs felt good,
which was a good sign I didn’t go too hard on the bike! Again, the only problem
was my shoulder, still KILLING me! The run is a two loop course
through the Whistler trails with a lot of twists and turns and wasn’t quite the
“fast” course I was expecting. I was able to see my Mom & Sissy a
bunch of times which helped lift my spirits and keep me plugging
along! I have been running in Newtons for almost as long as I have
been doing triathlons and I absolutely love them! I also always run without
socks and I never have any issues with blisters..until Whistler. At about
mile 5 I started developing blisters on both feet that pretty much encompassed
the tops and bottoms of my feet. It was beyond painful to run like this for 21
miles, but “mind over matter.” I suppose the upside was this pain
helped me no longer think about the shoulder (sort of). It was a hard run
but I just focused on holding my pace and “embracing the pain.” I
passed a bunch of girls but had no idea where I was in my AG. I wasn’t chasing
a Kona slot, or focusing on my place in my AG, but I just wanted to have my
best possible race. I ended up with a 3:19 marathon, which was good
enough for 2nd fastest amateur
run time and moved me up to 5th in my AG. This was my 2nd fastest Ironman
marathon time and I again I was pleased with the result. I do know I have a
“faster” ironman marathon in me though, and I’m even more motivated to chase
finished in 10:33, 5th in AG! I
literally couldn’t have been happier with this result. I gave the race
everything I had both mentally and physically.
Ending up on the podium and a Kona slot were icing on the cake!
Post race with Mom and Sissy... you guys are the best. xo |
Back to Kona I go! Woohooo! |
on Kona
I know I said earlier in the season that I had no intention of racing Kona this
year even if I qualified. But of course as the season progressed, I started to
shift my attitude and thinking that if I qualified, I would race. I
wouldn’t take a rolldown, but if I legitimately qualified, I would take my
slot. I didn’t put any pressure on myself and didn’t go into Whistler
focused on qualifying for Kona.
are a couple reasons for the change in plans:
1. While long term goals
are great, as I have learned in the past, life is unpredictable and doesn’t
always turn out the way you expect or plan for. I could spend the next two
years training to get back to Kona to try and finish top 5 in my AG and I could
end up getting injured, or have a bike crash, or a 1000 other things could
go wrong. So sometimes, when life throws you an opportunity you have to
take it. And that’s what I did with Whistler. I figured if it was meant to be,
it would be.
2. If I don’t go to Kona
this year, I may not have the ability to get back to the Big Island to race for
a few years. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, balance in my life is
very important to me. And triathlon is truly a hobby, so I don’t want to
sacrifice everything and everyone for triathlon. Next year my Sissy is
getting married in September I don’t want to worry about training for an
Ironman during this important time in her life. I want to be fully involved and
enjoy every minute with her without worrying about my training for Kona.
Also, I have another big athletic goal that I would like to achieve and this
could take my focus away from Ironman for a few years. To be determined
on that, so I will share when/if I fully commit to this goal J
any event, I made the decision, I took my slot, and I was off to the Big Island on Sunday for my 3rd start at the Ironman
World Championships! I’m beyond excited, a little nervous about how my body
(and my shoulder) will handle two Ironmans in 7 weeks, but I’m mentally
ready to get out there and give it my best!! And I’m so excited to be back
racing in a nonwetsuit, hot and humid race J
Not an Ironman race without the Buskos (and Morgan !)! |
have so many people to thank, without the support of my family, friends, coach,
sponsors and training partners I wouldn’t be on my way to another Kona start. Mom and help me throughout this
journey so much, there is too much to write ;)
Brian Hammond.. you believed in me when I had stopped believing and you
work around my crazy schedule! Dad for
helping me SO much with logistics lately when I have no time to deal with
dropping off/picking up my bike etc.
Earl for keeping me challenged on the bike all those early mornings. And my sponsors/supporters: Tribike
Transport, Nuun, Sparkly Soul, Health Warrior and Newton.
Thanks for reading!