Hello Hello – Happy 2014!!
Wow – is it really February and I am yet to give an update on Kona? My
lack of an update is in no way an indication of my race or experience in Kona.
This race was up there in my top athletic experiences and I left the Big Island
completely thrilled and proud of my race! But, as usual once back in NYC I fell
full steam back into work, offseason, the holidays and just plain enjoying life
without a training schedule dictating my life :)
2014 has been in full swing and it has been a great year so
far!! But I feel I can’t begin to welcome the New Year and give you and update
on what has been going on in my world until I give a proper good bye to 2013
and that would include a recap of the biggest race of the season – the Ironman
World Championships!!
So here goes nothing!
Before I get into the details of race week, let me back up a
bit. After qualifying at Whistler at the
end of August, I headed back to NY and had 7 weeks to recover/train/deal with
an injured shoulder from being knocked pretty hard by a guy coming out of the
swim at Whistler and make travel plans for a race that I just qualified for. A race I never had any intention of doing in
2013! I was also quite stressed about
who would be able to make this trip with me! Both Mom and Sissy made the trip
to support me at Whistler and with Kona only 7 weeks later, it was uncertain if
they would be able to pull off another big trip! If you have been following along you know
that both Mom and Sissy are my biggest supporters/cheerleaders and I am never
at a race without at least one of them, and usually both! I feel very lucky to have such a supportive
family and it’s not something I take for granted! Well as it was turning out, my Mom was unable
to make the trip because of work…this news was truly devastating to me. My Mom
has pretty much been there for me at every athletic event since I could
remember - High School games, she
travelled to all of my college lacrosse games at PSU, she has been there for
most triathlons, and she definitely hasn’t missed an Ironman or a World
Championship event. I could write a
whole blog about how amazing my mom is– but basically in addition to being the
most amazingly supportive mom, she has also managed a successful career on Wall
Street where she juggled 80+ hour weeks with raising a family and not missing a
beat when it came to being “there” for her kids. Even though she worked a ton, she somehow
always found a way to make time for her kids and figured out a way to make it
all work! Well, until Kona 2013 that is (not a bad track record haha)! Mom
is a Project Manager and the project that her company had hired her to manage was going “Live” the week of Kona. So, as
much as she tried to figure out a way to be there …it just wasn’t possible. I totally understood but it didn’t lessen my
disappointment any! I know it may sound crazy to most of you but I had thoughts
of not racing. It was somewhat
unimaginable to me that I would enjoy this experience without her there. But
then I realized (with the help of some good friends and family :)) I needed to put my
big girl pants on and make the most of it. This was not a good reason to skip
out on the Ironman World Championships! This whole season was a pleasant surprise
to me, and I did so many things differently than in the past, so travelling to
a race, a World Championship event, by myself was also going to be added to
this list of new things for 2013!
This was my 3rd time travelling to the Big Island
for the World Championships. Each experience was so incredibly different than
the other. And the saying “the 3rd
time is a charm, couldn’t be more true for my race this year. In case you haven’t been following along… a recap
of my prior two trips to the Big Island!
2010 – 2nd Ironman, 1st time at Kona –
10 weeks post shoulder surgery. No
expectations, great race all things considered (ie. Did not train for this race
since I was in a sling with a broken collarbone/torn ligaments from beginning
of August until 2 weeks before the race).
Race results: Total time: 10:47
(25th AG) (Swim 1:17, Bike
5:59, Run 3:22)
2012 – 3rd
Ironman, 2nd time at Kona.
Too much self imposed pressure and season inflicted with injuries. I really struggled mentally and had some
nutrition issues during the race which made for a somewhat disappointing
experience on the Big Island. Complete
burn out after this race and almost quit triathlon permanently. Total Time: 10:50 (18th AG) Swim 1:12, Bike 6:10,
Run 3:21
2013 – 6th Ironman, 3rd time at
Kona. Third time was a charm!! My best
race and unbelievable overall Kona experience!
Details below :)
I flew to Kona on Sunday – one day earlier than I had the
previous two times. And having that extra day to get organized definitely made
things go a little smoother than usual! I also stayed closer to town this time
around. I usually prefer to stay further away from all the race week craziness,
but since I was flying solo this trip, it was logistically easier being closer
to everything! I can honestly say of my three trips to the Big Island, this
year I really enjoyed and took in all that pre race week had to offer, I was
surprisingly relaxed and having fun!! Of course, I was excited and nervous to
race, but it was a good excitement! I really felt so much less pressure than
last year and was just excited to go out and see what my body could do! Then on Wednesday, Sissy and Mike arrived! It
was so great having them join me and they were helpful in getting me race ready
and took care of many of the little details so that I could focus on the race
as much as possible.
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Race week fun with Sissy! |
Underpants Run! |
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Teddy was ready to race! |
I’ll try to keep the deets on the race as brief as possible :)
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Pre race send off - best Sissy ever! |
The Swim (1:11, 45th
One of the biggest unknowns for me going into this race, was
again the shoulder. Until the week prior
to Kona, I was not able to swim since Whistler.
The day I landed home from Whistler I went straight to the doc to try
and figure out what was wrong with my shoulder.
Because if it was broken, I knew I would need to cancel my Kona plans. Unable to get an MRI because of the plate/screws
in my shoulder from previous shoulder surgery it was difficult to get good
imaging to diagnose. However, Doc didn’t
think anything was broken so I just spent the next 6 weeks resting it and
receiving cortisone shots and hoping it would hold up on race day. But as I do
before every race….I swam the 2.4 miles course upon my arrival in Kona just to
be sure I could still swim that far :) The swim is interesting for me.. granted I
don’t swim much in training, but before Ironman I do get enough swims in to
know I have the endurance to get thru the 2.4 miles (some may call this
cramming!), but looking at my times: 1:12 last year in Kona; 1:12 in Whistler in August; then 1:11 at Kona when I literally didn’t swim for over a month…all
such similar times whether I swim or not?!
Swimming is overrated (hehe – Just Kiddin’!) Anyway, I was just happy to have survived the
swim and be off on the bike! (side note:
that shoulder still is not 100% healed and I didn’t swim for months after Kona!
The Bike (5:36, 37th
Ironically, biking was the one discipline that was going
pretty well post Whistler. For the first time ever after an Ironman, I was back
on the bike the week after the race. Not my typical, toss the bike in corner of
my apartment and not touch it for 4 months post an ironman :) My legs were feeling pretty good on the bike
and I was mostly indoors on the computrainer at Tailwind Endurance (Thanks Earl
Walton!) with a couple outdoor rides thrown in!
But, I was still nervous about how recovered I really would be after
Whistler. I was pleasantly surprised
when I hopped on the bike and was feeling good!
I felt a heck of a lot better than last year, and just got into my own
rhythm and focused on staying within myself and not get caught up in all the
drafting going around me! Its truly
unbelievable the packs that would fly by me.
Not my thing – I prefer to ride legally and have my results be my
results and not because I sat on some guys wheel! Sissy and Mike were out on the Queen K and it lifted my spirits to see them
on the out and back! The conditions were certainly more forgiving than last
year, but it was still hot out there and those last 30 miles are brutally hard
into the headwind. As always, I was
ready to be off the bike and into my running shoes….
The Run (3:17, 11th
Ahhh the run!! This is where the race begins for me, but truth
be told….I was pretty nervous how this run would go. After
Whistler, I was dealing with a bit of a calf issue that actually forced me to
quit a few training runs. For those who
know me, I don’t quit my run workouts…once I get started, there is no quitting.
But there were a couple times post Whistler where I really thought if I
continued I would further injure myself.
And while my legs felt decent on the bike post Whistler, the same could
not be said for my runs. I did not have
one good run between Whistler and Kona, so it was another unknown for me on how my legs would respond to another 26.2 miles a mere 7 weeks apart! However, I was hopeful once out on the run, my
legs would do their job :) I do think having some experience with this
course, I was more mentally prepared for certain sections of the course and I
focused on pacing a bit better than I had in the past. Luckily, I was feeling ok…ok, not great – I
certainly didn’t have any “pep in my step” but I just got into my zone and focused on passing
as many people as I could. I also knew the spots that Sissy and Mike would be at
on the run course which helped break it up.
Loved seeing them out there! I
was beyond thrilled to have put up a 3:17 run split and run my way to 11th in my AG! This was my 2nd fastest
IM run split, 2nd fastest in my AG and one of top overall run
splits of the day. To run a 3:17 so soon after Whistler where I ran a 3:19, on a much
harder and hotter course was a huge confidence booster for me! I didn’t feel
great, but I just remained consistent and found a way power through. This was my best Kona time (10:13) and
placing (11th)…just shy of top 10 – ouch! Gives me a goal for next time…. :)
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Some bike photos - lovin' the lava fields :) |
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Knowing my mom is watching at home I'm captured here looking up at her on camera saying 'i love you mom' :) |
Post race - ohhh what a feeling ! |
I love a finish line, especially an Ironman finish line, and
there is really nothing like a Kona finish line! I was soooo incredibly happy
running down that finish chute…the 3rd time really was a charm. I felt like I left it all out there and stuck
to my race plan - I smiled, had fun and I can say without a doubt I truly
enjoyed the experience! I was unsure how my body would recover and handle 2 Ironman
races so close together - especially given that I don’t do a ton of volume in
my training. I’m happy and grateful that
my body rose to the occasion and that I was able to mentally push through and
have a great day!
After the race, I enjoyed a couple extra days in paradise
before heading back to the East Coast. I
was sad to say good bye to Sissy on Sunday, but we got to enjoy one last Basik
Acai bowl together :) Post race was then filled with rest, awards
banquet, Zoot after party, more rest and more eating:) And Monday night it was back to the East
I was still on my race high upon arriving home and for a
fleeting second considered racing Ironman Arizona (I had signed up last year
prior to changing my plan to Whistler).
Luckily, my coach talked some sense into me (thanks Brian Hammond) and recommended I end the
season on a high note, enjoy the offseason, and not risk burnout for a sport I
had just come to love again. Thank
goodness, because I do believe trying to do 3 Ironmans in 3 months on my training would have been too
much :)
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Zoot party with Morgan and Billy ! |
Can never get enough Kona sunsets! |
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Or enough Acai bowls! Last one with Sissy before she left. I ate one every day I was there except race day .. oink, oink :) |
After a tough 2012, I am happy that I was able to turn my
season around and find my love of triathlon again…the love affair may even be
greater than it was before :) I
found my groove this year, I redefined “my best” and have been enjoying
training, focusing on the process and remaining consistent.
I’m beyond thankful
for all the people in my life who helped me get to this happy place. You all
know who you are!
I’ll check back in soon on my 2014 plans! So far it's off to a good start and I have a feeling it's going to be a great year!!
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!